John 7:43 So there was a division among the people because of Him.
The Jews were divided amongst themselves because they disagreed about who Jesus was. They saw His works and His ways and came to varying conclusions. Some of the opinions and conclusions came as a result of jealousy and a refusal to break from tradition and the Law, and misunderstanding of God's Word. Many judged who He was based on who His parents were and where He came from; while others judged Him for the company He kept. Yet, there were some who saw the power behind the miracles and believed that He truly was the Christ. Nonetheless, the end result was division. Today, there is still division amongst the people. There are those who hear the message and by faith accept Jesus as Savior and Lord, while others choose to reject the message and remain lost. However, there is also another great tragedy we see today. There is a division that exists that does great damage to the cause of Christ. That division is seen amongst God's people. It is a division caused by preferences, legalism, and our refusal, at times, to love each other as Jesus commanded. We have silly arguments over doctrinal issues that will make not one bit of difference when we finally stand before the Lord. We create division when we insist on pushing our own personal convictions on others, and choose legalism over the liberty we have in Jesus. As if all this were not enough, we are judgmental toward one another and choose to gossip about each other, instead of going to each other in love and addressing our differences. We isolate people from fellowship simply because we do not like who they are or because of something they did that showed they were different than we are; and because they do not fit the perfect little mold we want our companions to fit. All of this goes back to a lack of a true personal relationship with Jesus, spending real time in His Word, studying it so that we learn who He truly is and who He truly wants us to be, as we represent Him in the world and amongst the brethren. It is far past the time that we stop doing that one thing that God says He hates...causing division amongst the brethren. It will lead to the greater tragedy of discouraging the unsaved from accepting Jesus as their Savior.
Today, God extends an invitation to you to accept His free gift of salvation (Romans 6:23). Will you accept it? Anyone who calls on Jesus, by faith, in repentance, confessing your sins, will receive eternal life. Do not put off calling on Him, and receive His free gift of salvation today (Romans 10:13).