Verse of the day: Judges 9:15, And the bramble said to the trees, ‘If in truth you anoint me as king over you, then come and take shelter in my shade; but if not, let fire come out of the bramble and devour the cedars of Lebanon!’
Sadly, Gideon’s influence in his later years put Israel back on the path to being oppressed for their choice to turn back to idolatry. It began from the time that Gideon made the golden ephod that encouraged idol worship, and further manifested itself in their choice to not remember the Lord their God (Judges 8:34). Now, Abimelech, whose name means, “My father, the king”, took it upon himself to go to the men of Shechem, the people of his mother, to be crowned king. After receiving the backing and support of the men of Shechem, Abimelech hired men to kill his seventy brothers. Jotham, the youngest, was the only one who escaped alive. Later, when Jotham has the occasion to speak and warn Shechem, he sent the warning by way of a parable of trees. In today’s verse, which is part of that parable, Jotham warns the people that the man they have chosen as their leader will be one who will be a cruel leader when anyone opposes his leadership. This still holds true today regarding people of crooked character who will try to destroy those who disagree with them, rather than try to reach a peaceable compromise. However, if these are the people we support and vote for, then this is what we will reap, and God has no obligation to save us from that. What can we learn today from Abimelech’s character, which will help us be wiser in choosing the leaders of our country? First, we see that the trees in the parable that were asked to be king over the other trees, although they had much to offer, refused to be made king over them. They chose to continue doing that which honors God and was honoring to both God and men. In other words, they were not willing to take from God the glory that belonged to Him. The bramble bush, on the other hand, made false promises of what he was able to do for the trees in offering them shelter under his shade, which was impossible, as the bramble bush is short, thorny, and offers nothing of any benefit. Sadly, this is what I see happening today. Too many born again Christians have supported men and women, in leadership, who were ungodly people, who even expressed that they had views that were contrary to God’s Word and what God says is holy and righteous. Their values and record of accomplishments showed that they did not agree with what we view as Christian values. To our shame, many of us have supported men and women who were for abortion, and lifestyles that God clearly states are sin, and a violation of God’s Word. Why? Because far too many Christians really do not know what the Word of God says about many of the issues we deal with in today’s society. All we have to do is read and diligently study God’s Word, as it tells us in 2 Timothy 2:15, and we will recognize what is right and wrong in what those who seek to be leaders are proposing for our society. As God’s children, when we are in a position to vote for, or support, someone for leadership, our first step in deciding should be to find out where that person stands for, and then compare that to God’s Word to see if they propose lines up with or against God’s truth, not our opinion. What resulted from these men backing an evil, ungodly man was nothing but turmoil and conflict. Let us not be mistaken, when we Christians, as a whole, fail to stand for what is right in all areas of life, to include voting for and supporting men and women who take ungodly stands on issues important to society and us as Christians, God will allow us to reap the consequences of our choices. Sadly, we will compromise in our leadership, if we are the type of Christian who compromises in our walk with Christ. Although we, as Christians, should always be diligent in researching who we are supporting to lead us, and our country; ultimately, God is the One who will decide. Daniel 2:21 tells us, “And He changes the times and the seasons; He removes kings and raises up kings; He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding.” This does not remove the responsibility we have to choose leaders based on the truth of God’s Word. Let us choose carefully, because what we choose, we will have to live with, and again I say that God has no obligation to save us from choices we make based on our own opinion, knowing and ignoring that it contradicts God’s truth.
Today, God extends an invitation to you to accept His gift of salvation (Rom 6:23). Will you accept it? Anyone who calls on Jesus, by faith, in repentance, confessing your sins, will receive eternal life. Do not put off calling on Him, and receive Him and His gift of salvation today (Rom 10:13).
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