Friday, August 11, 2017

A Heavenly Perspective on Happiness (Part 10)

Verse of the day: Matthew 5:14 “You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden.

One would think that being the salt of the earth and the light of the world would be the same thing; but in reality, there is a difference. In being the salt of the earth, we are here to add flavor to the life of others, but that flavor comes from a genuine change from within. A Christian who is salt is a Christian who has a pure heart toward God and the things of God. Their attitude and actions come from a genuine desire to do what is right before God, regardless of whether others see it or not. To be light is the result of having a changed heart, and a changed mind. It is the outward actions that are seen by the world that are the true result of God working in us and changing us. Jesus told the disciples, and us, that they were the light of the world (Eph 5:8; Phil 2:15). This is a title that belongs to the Lord Himself (Jn 1:5; 8:12; 9:5). To be light is to behave outwardly in such a way that it honors God and is without hypocrisy. We are His ambassadors, and we ought to be shining His light brightly in this dark world. Our relationship to the Lord is like that of the sun and the moon. The sun provides the light of day, and the moon does not reflect its own light to bring light into the night, but it reflects the light of the sun. The more sincere we are in our personal relationship with the Lord, the brighter Jesus’ light will shine through us. As salt, when we touch the lives of others, Jesus will affect them internally as they are drawn to Him and call upon Him. As light, when we touch the lives of others, this allows the Holy Spirit to convict the unsaved of their sins, as He uses us to outwardly display true righteousness and holy living, in love, so that once again they will be drawn unto Jesus and call upon Him. The danger that exists in this is that once people find out that we are followers of Jesus, we are almost immediately put under a microscope, and people begin to find fault in us; for this reason it is of utmost importance that we maintain a genuine, intimate, relationship with Jesus. We must prayerfully stay in His Word, and be doers of His Word and not just hearers, because we are having a true love affair with Jesus (Jm 1:22; Jn 14:15). The bottom line is that once we begin to shine the light of Christ in our lives, it needs to shine so brightly that it cannot be hidden or extinguished. It must shine so brightly, that wherever we go the darkness is dispelled because a way is made for the righteousness of Jesus to shine. The end result that Jesus desires is that men will glory our Heavenly Father (v. 16). Although living for the Lord can bring us many challenges in this dark world, the bottom line is that true happiness in Christ comes from living a life of allows us to be the salt and light of this world. If you have never had the blessed privilege of watching how the Lord works in our lives when we live for Him and suffer for His sake, or had the privilege, and blessing, of leading someone to Christ as a result of living for Jesus, then you have not yet experienced true happiness. When we become the Christian that Jesus describes in His Sermon of the Mount, we become a Christian who is truly having an blessed, intimate, relationship with our Lord and Savior.

Today, God extends an invitation to you to accept His free gift of salvation (Rom 6:23). Will you accept it? Anyone who calls on Jesus, by faith, in repentance, confessing their sins, will receive eternal life. Do not put off calling on Him, and receive Him and His free gift of salvation today (Rom 10:13).

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