Friday, October 29, 2021

No Guarantee

James 4:13-17 Come now, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go to such and such a city, spend a year there, buy and sell, and make a profit”; whereas you do not know what will happen tomorrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away. Instead you ought to say, “If the Lord wills, we shall live and do this or that.” But now you boast in your arrogance. All such boasting is evil. Therefore, to him who knows to do good and does not do it, to him it is sin.

It amazes me how often we, as Christians, talk about future things, like what we are going to do later, tomorrow, or the next day, and never say, "Lord willing." First and foremost, we know that the return of our God and King, Jesus, to retrieve His church, can happen at any moment. Secondly, death can come knocking on our door at any moment; and for those reasons alone we are never guaranteed another day of life, or even our next breath. James tells us that life is like a vapor, which disappears quickly. This is not to say that we should not plan for the future. This is more so a warning that we do not, in our arrogance and pride, plan for tomorrow as if God does not have a say in what will happen. We can make all our plans, but we must always keep in mind that what we are planning for the future may not likely be what God has planned for our future. I have always said that in planning for tomorrow, "We need to make our plans in pencil and give God the eraser." The question becomes, "How do we know that we have truly considered God in our planning?" Well, that is actually pretty simple. We need to ask ourselves, "How much have I prayed about this?" "Are my plans in line with how He has called me to serve Him?" But the real truth teller is this one, "How upset do I get when God changes my plans?" The truth of the matter is this, "There are many plans in a man's heart, nevertheless the LORD's counsel-- that will stand" (Proverbs 19:21) "A man's steps are of the LORD; how then can a man understand his own way?" (Proverbs 20:24) James makes it very clear that planning without considering God's plan, failing to consider the possibility of His return, or our own death, is boastful; meaning that it is a prideful self confidence. We do not hold our own life in our hands. Every breath we take is in the LORD's hand. So today, as we go about living and making plans, consider the LORD, and the fact that we have no guarantee of tomorrow. Instead, in all we say we are going to do, let us get into the honest habit of saying, "I will do this or that, if the LORD wills."

Today, God extends an invitation to you to accept His free gift of salvation (Rom 6:23). Will you accept it? Anyone who calls on Jesus, by faith, in repentance, confessing your sins, will receive eternal life. Do not put off calling on Him, and receive His free gift of salvation today (Rom 10:13).

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

We Are Not the Judge

James 4:11-12 Do not speak evil of one another, brethren. He who speaks evil of a brother and judges his brother, speaks evil of the law and judges the law. But if you judge the law, you are not a doer of the law but a judge. There is one Lawgiver, who is able to save and to destroy. Who are you to judge another?

Today's verses, and devotional, will get the nostrils of the self-righteous flaring. I will say this right up front, there is only one Judge, and His Name is Jesus. Now, with that said, let's clarify what James is communicating here. The verses do not say that we cannot hold each other accountable. As a matter of fact, we have been given what boundaries to operate within when dealing with a sinning brother or sister. In 1 Corinthians 5 the Apostle Paul tells us not to keep company with sexually immoral people, the covetous, extortioners, or idolaters. However, he was not speaking of the unsaved. He was speaking of those who claim to be Christians, but live a lifestyle that proves them to be these things, along with being revilers and drunkards. With that said...before we break fellowship with such a person, how should we approach them? This is where we must be careful to reflect on what James is saying in these verses. Galatians 6:1-3 clearly states, "Brethren, if a man is overtaken in any trespass, you who are spiritual restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness, considering yourself lest you also be tempted. Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ. For if anyone thinks himself to be something, when he is nothing, he deceives himself." In other words, God does not call us to condemn one another, but calls us to restore one another. If that person refuses, and prefers a life of sin, then we are to break fellowship, and leave them to God's correction. However, we are to do so in love, not with condemnation or a judgmental attitude; as one day we too may find ourselves in need of God's grace and forgiveness. We must be extremely careful about judging another person's actions, as we cannot see the heart. Before we criticize and speak evil of another for violating one of our personal convictions, we need to step back and consider that we do not all have the same convictions in our walk with Jesus; and the Lord does give us the room and liberty to exercise our conviction in certain circumstances. Before we condemn another for having a different approach to serving, which does not violate God's Word, we need to stop and be very careful that we not hinder another from serving in a way that God has called them to serve, simply because it does not fit in the personal box we have put Jesus in, in our own life. Before we take it upon ourselves to correct another brother or sister with a self-righteous attitude, we need to stop and ask ourselves the same question James asks in verse 12, "Who are you (we) to judge another?"

Today, God extends an invitation to you to accept His free gift of salvation (Rom 6:23). Will you accept it? Anyone who calls on Jesus, by faith, in repentance, confessing your sins, will receive eternal life. Do not put off calling on Him, and receive His free gift of salvation today (Rom 10:13).

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Lament, Mourn, and Weep

James 4:8-10 Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded. Lament and mourn and weep! Let your laughter be turned to mourning and your joy to gloom. Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and He will lift you up.

Have we forgotten how to mourn our own sinfulness? Have we become so desensitized to sin that we are no longer broken about the things we say or do that break God's heart? When we read the verses that convict us, or hear a message that reminds us to return to the Lord, do we just nonchalantly turn back to God as if sinning against Him was just an oversight on our part, and now we are ready to say a few words to gain His forgiveness? Where is the brokenness? Where is the misery and sadness over what we have done? Where is the weeping? It is no great wonder that we continually find ourselves on the hamster wheel of sin, when we treat our sinful behavior like there is a revolving door to give us access after we have gotten over our superficial moment of confession. Far too often we have a brief emotional moment, usually after we have been caught, and our sin exposed; but never truly mourn in a way that brings us to honest repentance and confession. We should be eternally grateful that the Lord doesn't discard us when we betray Him with our idolatrous affairs with the world. Instead of forsaking us, He lovingly bids us to return to Him, but James makes it clear that our return should be one of brokenness and sorrow for what we have done. Our return should not only be motivated by God's great love, but also by the misery of knowing that we sinned against Him; the One who laid down His own life to redeem us from the devils, the world, and the sin that enslaved us and sentenced us to death. So I ask us all to consider, "Where is the misery, the mourning, and the weeping?" Is it not far past the time that we stop playing games, and get serious about our walk with the Lord? It is not far past the time that we turn back to Him with broken hearts of true repentance and confession; forsaking the world and submitting in humility to the Lord who purchased us with His very own Blood?

Today, God extends an invitation to you to accept His free gift of salvation (Rom 6:23). Will you accept it? Anyone who calls on Jesus, by faith, in repentance, confessing your sins, will receive eternal life. Do not put off calling on Him, and receive His free gift of salvation today (Rom 10:13).

Monday, October 25, 2021

They Cannot Stand Against Him

James 4:6-8 But He gives more grace. Therefore He says: “God resists the proud, But gives grace to the humble.” Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded.

One of the greatest obstacles in our walk with the Lord is pride. Especially when we are walking with one foot in Christianity and the other in the world. Before we know it, we are walking with both feet in the world, acting like we are better than everyone else, as we gain more and more of what the world offers. Sadly, it is all empty and vain. Nonetheless, we become independent and begin to operate as if we do not need God anymore; because after all, "we're making it happen now". Pride blinds us to the fact that we have allowed the devils to re-enslave us. We do not see, or we refuse to see, that we are now forsaking Jesus, and choosing fellowship with the devils. How do we escape this entrapment? The simple answer is humility. When we choose humility, we acknowledge that there is nothing we can do on our own. When we choose humility, we admit that without the Lord we are nothing. When we choose humility, we are choosing to be more like Jesus, who humbly submitted Himself to the will of the Father. James made it clear that the only way to make the devil flee is to submit ourselves to God in humility, because God gives more grace to the humble, and resists the proud. The devils are not threatened by us. On the contrary, they want us to think that we are strong enough, on our own; yet, they know that in the flesh we are weak. When we think we stand, because of our pride, that is when we are ripe for a fall. The devils tremble at their knowledge of God; and in the Gospels they feared and submitted to the authority of Jesus (Mark 5). So for us to think that we can stand against, and rebuke demons is nothing more than pure arrogance. God tells us to resist them in humility. In other words, acknowledge that we cannot stand against the enemy, and realize that we need the Lord to stand between us and them in our defense. If we draw near to God, in prayer and obedience to His Word, He will in turn draw near to us. Only then will the devils flee, because they know that they are no match for the Creator. They cannot stand against the King of kings and Lord of lords. If we want true victory in our walk with Jesus, we need to stop compromising with the world. We need to repent of our sinful pride and behavior, confess it to the Lord, and get back to reading, studying, obeying God's Word, and drawing near to Him in prayer. As we draw closer to the Lord in intimacy, the devils will draw back in fear and disgust, because although they despise us, they know they cannot stand against or defeat God.

Today, God extends an invitation to you to accept His free gift of salvation (Rom 6:23). Will you accept it? Anyone who calls on Jesus, by faith, in repentance, confessing your sins, will receive eternal life. Do not put off calling on Him, and receive His free gift of salvation today (Rom 10:13).

Sunday, October 24, 2021

He Will Not Compromise

James 4:4-6 Adulterers and adulteresses! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Whoever therefore wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God. Or do you think that the Scripture says in vain, “The Spirit who dwells in us yearns jealously”? But He gives more grace. Therefore He says: “God resists the proud, But gives grace to the humble.”

There is no doubt that the Spirit who dwells in us is a jealous One (Exodus 34:14). However, God is not jealous as man is jealous. God desires that we have the best. Therefore, when we worship anything or anyone other than Him, we are settling for less than the best. God will not share His glory, or the honor that belongs to Him, with anyone, and rightfully so. When we make ourselves friends to the world, we set ourselves up for failure and hurt. Sure, by the world's standard we may be commended, praised, and envied by others for our success; but in the end, it is all vanity. God wants more for us. He wants us to be successful by His standard; a standard that yields heavenly reward that lasts for eternity. Note that unlike people, God will not compromise in order to bring us back into fellowship with Him. When we, as humans, are jealous, we will do anything to win someone over. We will compromise our morals and do whatever it takes, even to the hurt of others. God, however, tells us that He will not compromise His truth or righteousness, but will resist those who choose to remain in their prideful state. He will only give more grace to those who humble themselves before Him; those who repent of their worldly ways, confessing their sins, and submitting to His authority. Our God is jealous, but will not compromise with the devils, or the world and its corrupt ways. The bottom line is that we are not guaranteed tomorrow, or even the next moment. We must break off our intimacy with the world and its corrupt ways, and humbly return to the One who wants only the best for us; and that best can only be found in our intimate relationship with Jesus, the One who truly proved His love for us, by laying down His life in order to redeem us.

Today, God extends an invitation to you to accept His free gift of salvation (Rom 6:23). Will you accept it? Anyone who calls on Jesus, by faith, in repentance, confessing your sins, will receive eternal life. Do not put off calling on Him, and receive His free gift of salvation today (Rom 10:13).

Friday, October 22, 2021

Time to Break Up and Make Up

James 4:4 Adulterers and adulteresses! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Whoever therefore wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.

Staying within the context of the previous verses, James added to the reasons why many do not receive what they ask for when they pray. The motivations behind the prayers are selfish and worldly. So how do we transition from praying selfishly to praying in a manner that is focused on God's will? It begins by "breaking up" with the world. Far too many of God's children are having a love affair with the world and all it offers, because it looks attractive and is offering everything that will allegedly satisfy our fleshly lusts. The problem is this...once the world takes off its makeup, "she ain't so pretty"; and once it lures us in and traps us, we find out that its promises are empty and bring no satisfaction. Instead, it brings heartache and pain. When we choose friendship with the world, God calls us adulterers and adulteresses; in essence we are idolaters. The world does not want us to just be its friend; it wants us to worship it and all it offers. The devils and the world system want us to have an adversarial relationship with our God. The devils want to convince us that God is purposely keeping things from us that "we really deserve". Does that sound familiar? Was that not the tactic the devil used when speaking to Eve in the Garden? He whispers in our ear so that we become ungrateful and dissatisfied with what God has already blessed us with, as we begin to put our eyes on what we do not have, and what God has chosen not to give us, at this moment, for our own good. The devils want to make us feel that God does not care. They want us to be disillusioned with our faith, and ultimately walk away from the Lord. However, just like in the Garden, this is just a bunch of lies. We must put on the armor of God each day, so that we can guard against the wiles of the devil. We must delight ourselves in Him, and make Him the center of our life, and only then will we begin to pray with the right motives, because only then will our desires begin to line up with His. God promises, in His Word, that when we trust in Him, do good, and delight in Him, He will give us the desires of our heart. We must commit our ways to Him and forsake the world and its ways (Psalms 37:3-5). If we are dabbling in the world, leading a double life, trying to satisfy the flesh with worldly gain and pleasures, and at the same time trying to "play" Christian...we need to just stop. Our churches today are a mess because too many of God's children are cheating on God with the world. The world does not really want our friendship. The world wants our loyalty so that it can enslave us and make us useless for the cause of Christ. It is time to break up with the world and make up with God; the only One who truly loves us and wants the best for us.

Today, God extends an invitation to you to accept His free gift of salvation (Rom 6:23). Will you accept it? Anyone who calls on Jesus, by faith, in repentance, confessing your sins, will receive eternal life. Do not put off calling on Him, and receive His free gift of salvation today (Rom 10:13).

Thursday, October 21, 2021

Our Desires or Jesus

James 4:1-3 Where do wars and fights come from among you? Do they not come from your desires for pleasure that war in your members? You lust and do not have. You murder and covet and cannot obtain. You fight and war. Yet you do not have because you do not ask. You ask and do not receive, because you ask amiss, that you may spend it on your pleasures.

Even though these words were penned so long ago, they are still alive and well today. When we see the sad state of many local churches today, it does not take long to figure out that far too many Christians are fighting amongst themselves because of the carnality that has creeped into the church. What we view as success today is based on the world's sales pitch, that far too many Christians have bought into. Because of this, many have chosen to be absent from worship and fellowship. Times of gathering and praying only get in the way of us meeting our goals to attain the level of importance we seek in the world. When we gather, we bring our worldliness with us, our foolish arguments, and our misguided ambitions; all of these being driven by our personal lusts, and our corrupt desires. As we gather in this environment, those who are of like mind gather together in cliques, and make others feel like they do not belong, and are unwelcome. The new person who walks through the door with a need for Jesus, and a need for encouragement, in this hopeless world, leaves discouraged and rejected. We strive and fight to gain the things we think will bring satisfaction, when in reality we already have it all in Christ, and instead decide that coming to church is a waste because God is not giving us what we want; as if He is some kind of genie whose supposed to be available at our beck and call. What we fail to realize and acknowledge is that God does not answer our prayers for the things we desire because we ask with selfish motives, to fulfill our own sinful lusts. We pray prayers that are covetous in nature. We envy and hate our brethren when we see them being blessed, while God seems to ignore what we say we need, when in reality it is only a selfish want. What will it take to open our eyes to our own selfishness? What will it take to make us realize that success in our walk with God is not success as the world defines it? All that we seek after in this world, all that we desire to gain, of what the world offers, can disappear in the blink of an eye. If God chooses to call us home today, or return for His church, right now, all of this "stuff" stays behind; in which case all is lost, including all the opportunities we have to gain heavenly reward that does not perish. So I ask us to consider today, "What do we desire, and follow after?" "Are we seeking that which brings us closer to the Lord, and glorifies Him, or are we seeking that which breeds contention, and causes division and hatred amongst the brethren we are called to love?" It is time we reevaluate the path we are currently walking on. Is it a path that we are being led on by our own selfish desires, or is it a path we are following Jesus on?

Today, God extends an invitation to you to accept His free gift of salvation (Rom 6:23). Will you accept it? Anyone who calls on Jesus, by faith, in repentance, confessing your sins, will receive eternal life. Do not put off calling on Him, and receive His free gift of salvation today (Rom 10:13).

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

The Tale of Two Wisdoms

James 3:14-18 But if you have bitter envy and self-seeking in your hearts, do not boast and lie against the truth. This wisdom does not descend from above, but is earthly, sensual, demonic. For where envy and self-seeking exist, confusion and every evil thing are there. But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, willing to yield, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality and without hypocrisy. Now the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace.

James began this chapter with a warning to those who sought to be teachers. Within that context, it is of utmost importance that we take great care to teach with godly wisdom, and not with earthly, or devilish, wisdom. Sadly, there are many who teach with a wisdom that is critical of others, and cause division. Their teaching is self-centered, and for self gain. It is a wisdom rooted in pride and self promotion. These teachers are all about gaining glory for themselves, while using God's Word as their platform. This is the kind of wisdom that creates cliques within the body, and splits local churches, working against the Kingdom of God, rather than building it up. The teacher who teaches with godly wisdom is one who builds up others, exhorting, encouraging; holding others accountable, but doing it with mercy, grace, and love. These teachers are the peacemakers, who are gentle and patient, treating everyone equally, without partiality, seeking to honor God, and leading others on a path to righteous living, for the glory of God. The tongue, that little member that has the power to create chaos or speak words that dispel confusion, and bring peace, will be the member that tells the "tale of two wisdoms". It will reveal to everyone which of the two is hidden in the heart of the teacher. Let us walk in, and teach according to, godly wisdom; seeking to encourage unity, and pointing the glory to our King of kings and Lord of lords.

Today, God extends an invitation to you to accept His free gift of salvation (Rom 6:23). Will you accept it? Anyone who calls on Jesus, by faith, in repentance, confessing your sins, will receive eternal life. Do not put off calling on Him, and receive His free gift of salvation today (Rom 10:13).

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Showing Wisdom By Our Humble Behavior

James 3:13 Who is wise and understanding among you? Let him show by good conduct that his works are done in the meekness of wisdom.

Just like faith is demonstrated by works, so wisdom is also demonstrated by our conduct. How we behave, as Christians, will show whether we are living according to godly wisdom or devilish wisdom. A wise person seeks to behave in a way that brings honor to God. Our actions, our words, and our deeds, will be rooted in humility and a desire to glorify God. A wise person does not boast about their wisdom, for in boasting we become fools. God desires that we walk in the wisdom that produces a humble attitude of service to God and others. A wise person seeks to apply the Word of God in their daily walk, doing good, not for their own glory, but as evidence of true love for, and faith in, the Lord Jesus Christ. This wisdom that is spoken of must have its roots in God's Word. We must saturate our hearts and minds with the knowledge of Scripture; but then we must put that knowledge to work in our lives, and let it shine forth in the way we behave, as ambassadors for Jesus. Let us strive today, to demonstrate godly wisdom, by our honest behavior toward God and others; walking in the example of humility that Jesus left for us to follow.

Today, God extends an invitation to you to accept His free gift of salvation (Rom 6:23). Will you accept it? Anyone who calls on Jesus, by faith, in repentance, confessing your sins, will receive eternal life. Do not put off calling on Him, and receive His free gift of salvation today (Rom 10:13).

Monday, October 18, 2021

The Little Fire Starter

James 3:5-12 Even so the tongue is a little member and boasts great things. See how great a forest a little fire kindles! And the tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity. The tongue is so set among our members that it defiles the whole body, and sets on fire the course of nature; and it is set on fire by hell. For every kind of beast and bird, of reptile and creature of the sea, is tamed and has been tamed by mankind. But no man can tame the tongue. It is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison. With it we bless our God and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in the similitude of God. Out of the same mouth proceed blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not to be so. Does a spring send forth fresh water and bitter from the same opening? Can a fig tree, my brethren, bear olives, or a grapevine bear figs? Thus no spring yields both salt water and fresh.

It is usually the little things in life that send our days into a tailspin. It is the overlooking of the "little" things, or details, that usually get us in trouble. So it is with one of the smallest members of the body...the tongue. This small member has the ability to cause great destruction. James tells us that it can ignite a blaze with a tiny spark. There have been cities leveled with fires that began with a spark. Many have witnessed the destruction that has resulted from fires, in places like California. As a retired law enforcement officer, I have had the opportunity to witness the destruction and loss of life involved in a number of house fires. The bottom line is that James is warning us that the tongue is a small member of the body that we should not overlook. It is the one member that desperately needs to be under the restraining control of the Holy Spirit. In the flesh, we have no control over it. Amazingly, man has the ability to tame wild animals, but this little beast, the tongue, no man can tame. The untamed tongue is wicked and poisonous. It gossips, speaks words that cause pain, and divides the most intimate relationships. The tongue can destroy friendships, marriages, and can set a life on the path of loneliness and destruction. The tongue will reveal what is truly in our heart. That which defiles us from the inside will be spewed out in the words we speak. For this reason, it is imperative that we, as followers of Jesus, give control of our tongues over to God. A Christian should be a person who is careful with their words. James reminds us that we should not be known as people who praise God one moment, but then curse men the next, with the same tongue. It is no great wonder that the unsaved often see us as hypocrites, when our words contradict our claims that we love Jesus. Before we open our mouths, especially during times when we are feeling very emotional, let us stop and consider that the tongue is a little fire starter that can ignite a blaze that can destroy our life and cause great injury to those who are on the receiving end of our poisonous words. Let us instead do all we can to give control over to the Lord so that our words encourage, edify, bless the hearer, and glorify God.

Today, God extends an invitation to you to accept His free gift of salvation (Rom 6:23). Will you accept it? Anyone who calls on Jesus, by faith, in repentance, confessing your sins, will receive eternal life. Do not put off calling on Him, and receive His free gift of salvation today (Rom 10:13).

Saturday, October 16, 2021

Let God Hold the Reins

James 3:3-4 Indeed, we put bits in horses’ mouths that they may obey us, and we turn their whole body. Look also at ships: although they are so large and are driven by fierce winds, they are turned by a very small rudder wherever the pilot desires.

When it comes to our tongue, and the words we speak, who's guiding and steering? Do we have a tendency to have "diarrhea" of the mouth, and just say whatever comes into mind? Do we allow our feelings and emotions to be what holds the reins on our tongue? Is the flesh in the driver's seat, directing what words come out of our mouth? Whether we are teaching or just engaging in conversation, the words we speak will reveal who or what is guiding and directing our tongue. The words we use, and the conversations we have, will reveal whether we are truly maturing in our walk with Jesus or whether we are still carnal and immature. If we are to mature in our walk, and have more self-control, we must learn to tame the wild beast that is the smallest member, but the biggest troublemaker. We must surrender our tongue to God, and take the reins out of the hands of our flesh, our feelings, and emotions. If we fail to do so, we will ruin our testimony for Christ; as we will be more apt to engage in inappropriate conversations that do not honor God in any way, shape, or form. Today, let us be slow to speak. Let us stop and consider our words, before we let them escape our mouth, and ask ourselves, "Who is speaking these words? Is it my flesh? Is it the devils? Is it my feelings and emotions, or is it the Holy Spirit?" If the words are not God-honoring or edifying to those who will hear them, we may want to consider putting on a spiritual muzzle until we learn to let God be the one who holds the reins on our tongue.

Today, God extends an invitation to you to accept His free gift of salvation (Rom 6:23). Will you accept it? Anyone who calls on Jesus, by faith, in repentance, confessing your sins, will receive eternal life. Do not put off calling on Him, and receive His free gift of salvation today (Rom 10:13).

Friday, October 15, 2021

Strict Accountability for Our Words

James 3:1-2 My brethren, let not many of you become teachers, knowing that we shall receive a stricter judgment. For we all stumble in many things. If anyone does not stumble in word, he is a perfect man, able also to bridle the whole body.

In these couple of verses, James issued a warning. It is a warning that we all should heed. Sadly, there are far too many Christians who have taken on the role of "teacher" in the church, who have neither been appointed, or chosen, by God. Instead, many have taken on the role as a status symbol, and used it to elevate themselves amongst the brethren. James warned us all, that those of us who teach have a greater accountability before God, and will certainly be judged accordingly. A day is surely coming when we, the born again believer, will stand before the Judgment Seat of Christ to give account for our life and service to the Lord. It will be a time of great sorrow for many, as there will be loss of reward; and also a time of great joy, as we receive reward for living a life of obedience to God's Word. The one thing many forget, who takes on the role of teacher, is that we will give account for our words and for how others live as a result of our words. So, if we speak words falsely, because we failed to properly study and prepare, and presumptuously begin to teach our personal convictions and traditions, we will have to give a strict account, and pay a heavy price. Note that James did not single others out, but also included himself as one who will also be accountable. Why does he do that? Well, because we are all accountable for the words we speak; especially those words we use to teach others about the things of God. With that said, we must take great care to think through, and pray about, the things we post publicly, in respect to God's Word. Social media is littered with memes and devotionals that people have written, that are filled with false teachings and Scriptures taken out of context; without any thought of how it will truly affect a new believer, an immature believer, or an unbeliever. If our words and teachings lead to confusion or cause others to go away from God, rather than lead them toward God, do we not think that there will come a day when we will answer for such carelessness in handling God's Word? The mature believer recognizes and knows that there is greater accountability for the one who teaches. Therefore, it is imperative that we are careful with our words. We must choose our words carefully and be sure that our teaching(s) is sound, led by the Spirit, using the Word of God; and not by the leading of our preferences, opinions, personal conviction, or someone else's nonsense that we memorized and repeated. If we are going to be teachers, let us first make sure that God has called us to be teachers. Just as important, we must be sure that we are students of the Word, before we take on the role of being a teacher of the Word; because none of us will escape the day when we will have to stand before Jesus to give account for what we chose to teach in His Name.

Today, God extends an invitation to you to accept His free gift of salvation (Rom 6:23). Will you accept it? Anyone who calls on Jesus, by faith, in repentance, confessing your sins, will receive eternal life. Do not put off calling on Him, and receive His free gift of salvation today (Rom 10:13).

Thursday, October 14, 2021

"Harlot" Kind of Faith

James 2:25-26 Likewise, was not Rahab the harlot also justified by works when she received the messengers and sent them out another way? For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also.

When I read these verses, not only do I see "faith"; I see "grace". Grace, in that God justified a woman like Rahab; not based on her past, but based on the faith that drove her actions toward God's spies (Joshua 2:1-3). The fact that she risked her own life to protect God's men spoke volumes about how much she believed God (Hebrews 11:31). Her actions not only proved her faith, but also demonstrated to the Lord that she was willing to live a life of obedience to Him. True faith can free us from the bondage of the past. God did not reject Rahab because of her sinful, and shameful past. Instead, He counted her actions as acceptable, not for salvation, but as evidence of true saving faith. When we read verses such as these, and we read the story of how God showed grace to a person with such a past, how can we not praise the Lord, and have a desire to live a life of love and obedience toward Him? What is most amazing about Rahab the harlot's story is that God showed her the most amazing grace when He allowed her to be in the lineage of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (Matthew 1:5). The bottom line is that we never know what doors will open, or what path the Lord will lead us on, when we perform actions that are grounded and founded on real faith.

Today, God extends an invitation to you to accept His free gift of salvation (Rom 6:23). Will you accept it? Anyone who calls on Jesus, by faith, in repentance, confessing your sins, will receive eternal life. Do not put off calling on Him, and receive His free gift of salvation today (Rom 10:13).

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

"Friend of God" Kind of Faith

James 2:21-24 Was not Abraham our father justified by works when he offered Isaac his son on the altar? Do you see that faith was working together with his works, and by works faith was made perfect? And the Scripture was fulfilled which says, “Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness.” And he was called the friend of God. You see then that a man is justified by works, and not by faith only.

James gives us a great example of what real faith looks like, as demonstrated by the faith of Abraham. When asked to sacrifice his son, Isaac, to God, Abraham responded by going to the mountain to sacrifice his only son; his son of promise. The act of sacrificing Isaac, alone, was not what justified Abraham. It was his faith that somehow God would provide a sacrifice in Isaac's place, or bring him back to life. This was evident in Abraham's answers to both the young men that went with him, and his answer to Isaac. In Genesis 22:5 we are told, "And Abraham said to his young men, 'Stay here with the donkey; the lad and I will go yonder and worship, and we will come back to you.'" In verse 8 Abraham responded to Isaac's inquiry about the lamb for the sacrifice. It reads, "And Abraham said, 'My son, God will provide for Himself the lamb for a burnt offering.' So the two of them went together." That, my friends, is true faith. Here was the son promised to Abraham and Sarah, who were both way beyond child bearing years; yet, Abraham's willingness to take the steps to sacrifice his only son was an action that was put into motion by his faith in God. If you read what James wrote, it was not the actual act of sacrificing Isaac that was counted to him for righteousness, but the fact that Abraham believed. What was it that he believed? Abraham believed the promise God made to him previously in Genesis 13, when God promised that He would make Abraham's descendants as the dust of the earth, that cannot be numbered. In Genesis 15, God repeated His promise that his descendants would be as the stars that cannot be numbered. Finally, in Genesis 17, God not only repeated the promise, but promised Abraham and Sarah that those descendants, who would inherit the Promise Land, would come through Isaac. Needless to say, it was Abraham's great faith in the promise of God that was counted to him for righteousness. In essence, the action of Abraham's faith proved that he believed, loved, and completely trusted God. Do we walk in that kind of faith? Do we hold back that which God calls us to give to Him, by faith, whether of our time, talents, or resources? Do we say, "Yes Lord, I trust you, but..."? Is there always a "but" in our service to God, or do we say, "Yes Lord, here I am, and anything you ask of me I will freely give"? Abraham could have made any number of excuses, and could have chosen to hold on to Isaac for dear life. However, he would have missed out on a much greater blessing; the blessing of being called the friend of God. What do our works, or lack thereof, say about our faith?

Today, God extends an invitation to you to accept His free gift of salvation (Rom 6:23). Will you accept it? Anyone who calls on Jesus, by faith, in repentance, confessing your sins, will receive eternal life. Do not put off calling on Him, and receive His free gift of salvation today (Rom 10:13).

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Avoid Demon Faith

James 2:18-20 But someone will say, “You have faith, and I have works.” Show me your faith without your works, and I will show you my faith by my works. You believe that there is one God. You do well. Even the demons believe—and tremble! But do you want to know, O foolish man, that faith without works is dead?

James pulls no punches in making it clear that a faith that lacks works is not only dead, but demonic as well. There is a faith that produces works for the glory of God. Those works are the result of knowing Jesus personally, and having an intimate relationship with Him. Those works are a result of our desire to show our love and appreciation for the salvation we have been freely given; when we put our faith and trust in the finished work of Jesus, and called upon His Name. Those works are in response to Jesus' words in John 14:15, "If you love Me, keep My commandments." There is, however, another faith. This faith is a dead faith that produces nothing but empty words and a self-righteousness that repels others, rather than drawing them near to God. This faith is really just a head knowledge of who God is, and has a false image of who God is. This faith says it believes that God exists, but does not move that person to put their faith in Jesus for salvation. It is a faith that, for some, sets them on a path of works that they think will earn them salvation (dead works). At the same time, for others, it makes no difference at all; and although they acknowledge that there is a God, they continue in their wicked ways. In either case, their works are non-existent or dead; and like the demons who believe and tremble, those who have this type of faith are on the path to eternal punishment and destruction. The bottom line is that we will either have a faith that produces works that speak for themselves, yielding eternal fruit and glorifying God, or we will have demonic faith. Let us be a people who glorifies God with our works; works that are done by faith, as a result of our complete trust in what Jesus did for us on Calvary.

Today, God extends an invitation to you to accept His free gift of salvation (Rom 6:23). Will you accept it? Anyone who calls on Jesus, by faith, in repentance, confessing your sins, will receive eternal life. Do not put off calling on Him, and receive His free gift of salvation today (Rom 10:13).

Monday, October 11, 2021

By the Sound of Our Actions

James 2:18 But someone will say, “You have faith, and I have works.” Show me your faith without your works, and I will show you my faith by my works.

One of the greatest stumbling blocks to our testimony for Christ is the fact that our faith never seems to grow feet. We claim we are followers of Jesus, but what typically happens is that the louder we announce it, the more people see us as hypocrites. How can this be? The answer is actually very simple. We sound the trumpets to let everyone know that we are Christians, but in the end all it turns out to be is a bunch of noise. The reason being that we are like the person(s) James is describing in today's verse. We have grown comfortable gathering in the safety found within the walls of our local churches, where we complete our weekly "duties". Then, we go out into the world and forget that our mission should really be executed outside of the local church's four walls. James reminds us that it is all well and good to claim we have faith, but real faith does not even have to be spoken; because real faith will manifest itself if we are truly living for Jesus. Real faith will speak volumes to the world when our actions towards others are aligned with the Word of God. Real faith will speak volumes when we love God and love our neighbor, as Jesus commanded. Real faith will speak volumes when we love and serve God, and others, without partiality. When our faith grows feet and is put to action, it will speak louder than any empty words we could utter. God will use that kind of faith to open doors of opportunity for us to share the Gospel message. If we want a faith that is alive, vibrant, and effective, then it must be a faith that is heard loud and clear; not just by the sound of our voice, but by the sound of our actions!

Today, God extends an invitation to you to accept His free gift of salvation (Rom 6:23). Will you accept it? Anyone who calls on Jesus, by faith, in repentance, confessing your sins, will receive eternal life. Do not put off calling on Him, and receive His free gift of salvation today (Rom 10:13).

Friday, October 8, 2021

Impartial and Active Faith

James 2:14-17 What does it profit, my brethren, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can faith save him? If a brother or sister is naked and destitute of daily food, and one of you says to them, “Depart in peace, be warmed and filled,” but you do not give them the things which are needed for the body, what does it profit? Thus also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead.

There seems to be a misconception, with some, about what faith really is. The fact that eternal life is given by God's grace, and received by faith, has led some to believe that this faith is one of inaction on our part; that somehow just saying the words is enough. Well, that cannot be any farther from the truth, because the truth of the matter is that real faith always moves us to action. When we put our faith in Jesus, it calls us to repent and confess. Not that our repentance and confession are works that earned us salvation; but that in faith, and in response to what Jesus did, we were moved, by faith, to go to Jesus and receive His free gift, given to us by His grace. But doesn't stop there. After we have received such a marvelous, and unattainable gift, it is faith that should move us to action in serving God, by serving others, without partiality. When God makes us aware of someone's need, regardless of who they are, our faith should move us to action. First it should move us to prayer, and move us to trust that we can cast our cares and needs upon God (because He cares for us) so that we can then turn our attention toward the person(s) in need. A faith that gives warm and fuzzy lip service, but does not activate agape love toward another, is a faith that is counterfeit, empty, and dead. A faith that fails to demonstrate the love of Jesus to the person(s) in need is a faith that is shallow and of benefit to no one, and does not glorify God at all. If we are going to claim that we have faith, let it be a faith that is clearly backed up by our impartial action of love for others, for the glory of God.

Today, God extends an invitation to you to accept His free gift of salvation (Rom 6:23). Will you accept it? Anyone who calls on Jesus, by faith, in repentance, confessing your sins, will receive eternal life. Do not put off calling on Him, and receive His free gift of salvation today (Rom 10:13).

Thursday, October 7, 2021

Let Mercy Shine

James 2:12-13 So speak and so do as those who will be judged by the law of liberty. For judgment is without mercy to the one who has shown no mercy. Mercy triumphs over judgment.

"So speak" as one who is slow to speak, slow to wrath, but swift to hear (1:19). "So speak" as one who is not just religiously shallow, but as one who has control of their speech, and is careful not to ruin their testimony (1:26). "So do" as one who is a doer of the Word, and not just a hearer (1:22). For the one who speaks too quickly, and is quick to judge another, or fails to be a doer, who fails to love both God and man, will be judged in the same manner in which they have judged (Matthew 7:1-5). If we show partiality, and show mercy toward one person over another, because of some personal bias or wrongful judgment we make, we will be judged in like manner by the law of liberty. The law of liberty being the "Gospel law of love" (James-Fausset-Brown). This is the law that makes us free from the curse of the law, yet makes us free to fulfill the law by actively loving our neighbor, without partiality. The bottom line is this, Jesus clearly stated, in Matthew 9:13, "I desire mercy and not sacrifice." The same mercy that God has shown us, in Christ Jesus, is the same mercy we are called to show others, without being a respecter of persons. When it's all said and done, if we are going to err, let us err on the side of mercy and grace.

Today, God extends an invitation to you to accept His free gift of salvation (Rom 6:23). Will you accept it? Anyone who calls on Jesus, by faith, in repentance, confessing your sins, will receive eternal life. Do not put off calling on Him, and receive His free gift of salvation today (Rom 10:13).